Friday 11 December 2009

1st December

(I haven't had internet for a while but these are basically what I wrote down during that twoo weeks)

He makes me so happy...wierdd...But he's so gorgeous and I like him so much. Some of my friends say I'm in love with him, but I'm not. I just really like him. A lot. A hell of a lot. He's amazing and I probly don't stand a chance. I'm not going to stop though. That would be pointless and idiotic, to give up without trying everything. Hopefully Alice's party will make a difference. It better, seeing as I have THE dress. I wonder if it'll do any good. I just got to get shoes (maybe) and figure out what's gonna go wrong with it. Please Spirit, let me look semi-decent at least, just this once?
That's It!
He might be single! EEEEEE!!!!!!! The facebook relationship status never lies! Speaking of Facebook, Alys added Will, who Alice likes, and she's gonna talk to him. Alice is in panic mode lol. Her going to mush around him is so much funnier tho.
Apparently I have really nice eyes...hmm...They're alright, I spose...Also, apparently, I'm really pretty. Thats a lie, I'm really not. But I'm not going to start ranting about that now, so yeah, I'm done!

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